I understand my music ministry is unique, because I will continue to be relentless in reminding us true believers that there is a major movement to undermine the veracity of the Bible. I have said this before... singing songs of praise is wonderful and necessary, but there is more that God wants us to be aware of. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing as leadership in major Christian churches of this world. Whether for the sake of a larger membership that they can get more money from, or whether they’re just power mongers, they don’t even realize they’re being used by the devil. I’m not talking about particularly “evil” people. I have seen recent cases with my own eyes godly men who once preached the Truth, are now compromising their doctrine by literally ignoring and throwing away entire passages of the Bible, so their church can be more “inclusive” for people who continue to openly practice a lifestyle of sin, even after they join the church, and the leadership of the church continues to allow it to happen for fear of “rocking the boat” Was that the way Jesus dealt with people’s sins?
I understand we are all sinners, even us Christians. We are to love the sinner but hate the sin. That is spiritually healthy. But I also believe the words of First John 1;5,6, “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.” The word “walk” here specifically implies “to continue to habitually walk”, not just sin every now and then. The epistles of John were written to believers, primarily for the purpose of being able to judge which among them were true followers of Christ and who were only professed Christians. Again, in 3:9, we have words that are crystal clear in their meaning. There’s no room for misinterpretation. “No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.” Understand, John is talking about one who is a slave to sin. One who habitually practices a lifestyle of sin. If he were talking about everyone who has even sinned once as a Christian, then we would all be doomed according to this verse! The mention of “being born of God” no doubt identifies the “seed” as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, by which we become new creatures in Christ.
But we are now experiencing a new wave of theology that, if it has its way, will completely ignore these scriptures. God forbid any true man or woman of God have the boldness to speak against sin they observe in others. Because the very second they do, someone who’s been brainwashed by this new theology will immediately accuse them of being self righteous and judgmental. (Please note I said “any true man or woman of God”.) “How dare you judge me! The Bible says not to judge!” Unfortunately, a person who says this has probably never studied the issue on their own. It’s probably shocking how many so-called Christians never open their Bibles, but rather just believe whatever their new theology pastor feeds them on Sunday.
While it is true Jesus Himself said, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Matt. 7:1,2), it is important to go to the Greek to understand what word Jesus used for “judge”. It was krino, which means “to condemn or punish”. We are not to condemn a person for their sin, because that would be like judging their eternal destiny, and only God is able to do that. To pass krino on someone implies a negativity like jealousy or hatred is the motivation for the judgment. However, we have been given the right to exercise decision-making based on observation. A Greek word such as anakrino “to scrutinize, investigate, make a determination” is used in that application. What kind of brother or sister in Christ, after seeing one of their own falling away from the faith, would not make a concerted judgment to go to that person and minister to them in love? There are times we must make judgments about other’s behavior in order to come to their rescue. One of the greatest acts of love is to show a wayward soul their shortcomings in Christ so they may be saved. You may have figured out, I don’t believe in the “once saved always saved” doctrine. I did several years of study on the subject, and found the Bible is full of scripture to the contrary. Our salvation is not instantaneous. It is a life-long process. The Prodigal’s son did not have to repent and return to his Father’s home. He had free will to do otherwise, no matter how dire his circumstances were. So do we. God must accept our free will decision to reject Him after knowing Him (2nd Peter 2:20-22). Believe me, He knows ahead of time who is going to fall and who is going to stick it out all the way to the end!
This is why it is urgent we must judge (anakrino) when we see someone living a lifestyle of sin, or falling into sin. If they get angry with us and call us self-righteous, then so be it. It is then between them and God. As long as we do everything in love, we can’t go wrong. But loving someone also means we have to sometimes lay it out on the line and be real with people. We’re talking about souls here! And don’t you know, on the day of judgment, we’re going to be held accountable for every time we should have acted, but didn’t. If sin is defined as not doing God’s will, then think of each one of these times as a sin.
So, now you know why I write the lyrics I do instead of wonderful praise songs. There are enough praise songs. God has given me this specific ministry of keeping the candle lit for His Word, without compromise. I’d like you to keep in mind, if you disagree with me on anything I’ve written, it’s not a point of salvation. Neither one of us are going to miss heaven because of our opinions. We can have strong opinions and still love one another and agree that Christ is our eternal savior! I love you. Please love me back. By that, the world will know we are His disciples.
I am again asking you to please leave a comment below concerning this web site. Is there a particular style of music you like more than another? Do you agree or disagree with the subject matter of my blogs? For as many people as frequently return to this site, I find it curious I get so few comments. The same thing goes for my YouTube videos. As an artist, I need to know I'm doing something that interests you and adds to the spiritual quality of your life. So if you please, give me some feedback, even if it's negative. When you listen to a song on YouTube, click a "like" or "dislike" for me. I need that connection with you!
In Christ, Dave