I feel we are getting close to the beginning of the very last days, and I have to share with you some revelations that God has given me lately. I realize I’m putting my neck on the chopping block here, but for those of you who are interested in sorting out end times prophecy, I offer the following to study.
The Whore Babylon
I) The world commits spiritual idolatry with her. [ Rev. 17:1,2,4,5] She is called Babylon the great – the culmination of all false doctrine. [Rev. 18:1-5] She sits upon the first beast, who is full of blasphemies against God [Rev. 17:3] deceiving the entire world. [Rev. 17:1-15]
II) She is a great city that has sovereignty over the kings of the earth [Rev. 17:18,18:10]
III) She sits on seven mountains. [Rev. 17:9] Note: Rome does not sit on seven mountains, but several other cities in the world do, including Jerusalem. Meditate on this – Jerusalem is called “the great city” in Revelation 11:8. Furthermore the term “the great city” is used also of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:10. Add the fact that the first or second beast sits in the holy temple on Mount Zion (also see Daniel 11:45).
V) The destruction of Babylon {Rev. 18] – partially by the first beast’s ten horns (see below), and partially by some of the last seven plagues (compare Rev. 17:16 and 18:8.) In other words, the ten kings mentioned in Rev. 17:12,13 (the first beast’s military allies) will be used by the will of God to destroy the whore Babylon with fire [ Rev. 17:16,18:9, 18] when they realize they have been deceived with false doctrine, and they themselves are experiencing the final wrath of the plagues. This destruction apparently occurs at the pouring of the last vial (the 7th and last plague) [Rev. 16:16-19]
VI) The phrase “in one hour” is used three times to describe the suddenness of Babylon’s destruction {Rev. 18:10,17,19].
The First Beast
I) Has seven heads
A) 7 Heads = kings, in succession, political / military in nature. One of these seven will receive a seemingly mortal wound (literal or representing a temporary loss of power). They will come to life again to become the eighth king. [Dan. 11:21-45; Rev. 13:3,12,14, 17:10,11]
B) Has 10 horns with crowns = kings. They will have no kingdom, but will be given power of kingship to be the eighth king’s allies for a short time. [Rev. 17:12,13] They will wage war with the Lamb and saints and overcome them [Rev. 17:14] only to be used later as pawns in God’s plan to destroy the “great city” Babylon [17:16,17]
II)The dragon, Satan, gives the eighth king his seat of power and authority of the worldly domain. [Rev. 13:2] All kings in this succession blaspheme God, but this eighth king in particular does so [13:1] He actually claims to be God [2nd Thess. 2:3,4] for 42 months (3 ½ years). [Rev. 13:5] This occurs at the beginning or during the second 3 ½ years of the last 7 years just before Christ’s return.
A) All the world will wonder after the “resurrected” king [Rev. 13:3] This king will probably convince some Jews he is the Messiah to come that their Testament books foretold of who would be raised from the dead. Remember, the Jews do not believe Jesus was the Messiah to come, and they do not believe in His resurrection! (More details on this later.) The world will, in turn, worship Satan who empowers the beast’s eighth king without even knowing it. [Rev. 13:4] The world will also worship this eighth king for bringing (supposed) lasting peace to the world. “Who is able to make war with him?” [Rev. 13:4; 1st Thess. 5:3] All the while, his armies will be killing the saints [Rev. 13:7] Note: 13:10 is a difficult verse, because it is a Hebrew figure of speech that means the destiny of the martyrs are appointed by God.
B) This eighth king will sit in the temple of God – the Holy of Holies. [2nd Thess. 2:4; Rev. 11:1,2] This can be perplexing, for there is no mention of a temple existing during this king’s reign or this span of time except these verses. Ezekial chapters 40-48 explicitly describe the structure of the millennial temple built for Christ’s throne, but no such details are mentioned for this temple in which this beast king will set up the “abomination of desolation”. The reason for this is simple. The millennial temple, as with Solomon’s temple have so much scriptural detail because the building of them was decreed by God. The lack of details about the temple the eighth king will sit in is attributed to the fact that it will be built by the decree of man’s will. It appears from Daniel 11:21-25 that this king will begin his reign by gaining favor with Israel and make a “holy” covenant with them (which, when Satan enters him 3 ½ years into his reign, he will break). [Dan 11:28]
He will war with the king of the south (usually means Egypt). This may be a very reason why the Jews will be motivated to rebuild the temple for their new Messiah, who has the power to conquer their ancient oppressor. The Jews have always thought the Messiah will come as a military king to rid the world of their enemies.
The Second Beast
I) Has two horns. In this case, horns probably do not represent nations, but rather the deceptive meekness of a lamb, though he speaks blasphemies and false doctrine of Satan and the first beast. [ Rev. 13:11]
II) Exercises all the power and authority over the kings of the world as the first beast (the eighth king). However, This is important – this beast is religious in nature. He convinces the world to worship the first beast by performing great signs and wonders by the power of the first beast (given by Satan). {Rev. 13:13,14]
Note that I have purposely not called the first or second beast the Antichrist. The second beast could just as easily be referred to as the Antichrist as the first beast (eighth king). I base this on the following:
1) In Daniel 11, the “vile” king, commonly thought to be the Antichrist actually eventually claims to be an adversary of God and all things holy, not a Christ-like icon. He is not a satanic figure that appears to be an angel of light.[Dan. 11:36,37] When we read Daniel 11:21-45, the profile of this king is that of the political/ military first beast king.
2) 2nd Thessalonians describes the “man of sin” as sitting in the temple of God – an act of a religious icon, not a political/military one. Furthermore, Paul writes of this man’s ability to perform signs and wonders, most likely to convince the world he is Christ- a religious figure. Furthermore, the second beast is called “the false prophet” in Revelation 19:20. What did Jesus say, “For many shall come in My name saying, ‘I am Christ”. And there, He’s talking about false prophets! This confusing matter can be cleared up by looking at it this way. God is a holy Trinity. Three as one. Satan will have his unholy trinity, three as one. Three distinct persons working in one perfect accord - The first beast (the eighth king), the second beast (the false prophet) and the image of the beast, which we will soon cover. When we read about the Antichrist in other books of the Bible, such as Thessalonians, the Spirit inspired the writers to treat the characteristics and actions of the unholy trinity as one, because the limitations of their reign of power all the way through their final judgment is treated as if they were one entity. I hope that’s clear to you.
The Image of the Beast I) The second beast orders humans to construct an image (a likeness) of the first beast (eighth king). [Rev. 13:14]
II) He “breathes life” into the image, causing him to speak. [Rev. 13:15] Easy enough to imagine with how technology is exponentially advancing!.
III) Orders that as many as will not worship the image of the first beast should be killed. [Rev. 13:15]
IV) He rules that none should buy or sell unless they are marked with the “number” of the first beast. [Rev. 13:16,17] Symbolically, to receive a mark on their hand means one works for the cause of the beast. To receive a mark on the forehead means one accepts his system of false doctrine into their minds. These are very common Hebrew symbolisms.
I) At the 6th plague, God divinely gathers the nations into the plains of Meggido for the battle of Armaggedon.
II) At the 7th plague, Babylon is destroyed. Christ returns to the earth to battle the nations. Accompanying him will be a host of saints. [Rev. 16:12-16,19:11-19] In that day Ephraim and Judah (all Israel) shall fight together with the Lord”. He will smite the nations. A hint of this is found in Isaiah 11:11-16.
III) The fist beast and second beast (false prophet) are thrown into the lake of fire. [Rev. 19:20] The remnant (those who had accepted the mark of the beast and those who had come up against Christ in the battle were slain by the sword of Christ’s mouth – symbolic for the truth of the Word. [Rev. 19:21] Note they are slain, but not yet judged until the end of Christ’s millennium- the second resurrection.
IV) Satan is cast into the abyss for 1,000 years (however long that is) during Christ’s reign on earth [Rev. 20:1,2; Zechariah 14]
V) Concerning first resurrection of the saints (deeply study Revelation 20:4-6. I believe the Bible speaks of two separate resurrections - that of the saints and that of those who will be condemned), consider the two prophets of Rev. chapter 11 whose witness lasts 3 ½ years, then they are killed, then resurrected 3 ½ days later. If you read 11:1 and 2, it makes it pretty clear that the 42 months (3 ½ years the Gentiles abuse the temple coincides with the 3 ½ years the two prophets witness. The abusing and blasphemy of the temple occurs during the last 3 ½ years of the last 7 year period when “Antichrist” begins his persecution of Christians. Therefore, the two witnesses’ death occurs at the very end of the seven-year period immediately before Christ returns. I believe their resurrection happens at the same time as the first resurrection of all the saints, dead and alive. I’ll let you decide whether or not “The Rapture” is a separate occurrence that takes place before that time.
Yet, there is something amazing here. The Bible states that immediately after the resurrection of the two witnesses, there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. (what city, I don’t know). 7,000 die, but the rest gave glory to God. [Rev. 11:11-13] This happens right before the return of Christ. Even at that late time, it appears people will be saved through God’s mercy. What a great God we believe in!
Always pray for the discernment of spirits! There will be many that come in Christ's name , performing great wonders, claiming to be Him...to deceive the very elect, if it were possible!
Remember, it's good to be informed about these things, but it's a sin to worry about them.
God bless, Dave